
Why are Teas of Spring (Pre-Qing Ming) so precious?

Pre-Qing Ming is the time before Qing Ming festival that Chinese people honor their ancestors in Spring.


Teas of Spring means that the tea leaves are harvested early and with care before Qing Ming. It is very rare and precious. As the tea plants preserve enough nutrients and consume less energy in cold winter, tea leaves will become very thick and glossy. Therefore, these early harvest teas contain the most valuable elements of tea in the year.


When it comes to teas of Spring, Ming Ching Lung Ching is the most representative tea of it. During the process of stir-frying, the natural substances in tea leaves can be preserved to keep its freshness.


Spring is the season of Lung Ching. Let’s taste Lung Ching and feel the freshness of spring.


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